Operational Finance Leader (차~부장급, 중국어 능통자)

람정제주개발 | 2016.12.23 10:30:51 댓글: 0 조회: 2630 추천: 0
지역한국 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 분류재무 https://life.moyiza.kr/findhr/3234607
분류 재무
지역 한국 제주특별자치도 서귀포시
고용형태 정규직
전화번호 064-7608262
[회사 소개]
람정제주개발㈜는 란딩국제개발㈜의 자회사로 제주도의 서남쪽에 위치한 “제주신화월드”를 세계적인 관광명소가 될 복합리조트로 개발하고 있습니다.
제주신화월드는 지역 사회 및 이해 관계자들과 밀접하게 협력하여 개발과 보존의 균형을 맞추기 위한 노력을 계속하고 있습니다.
제주도 서귀포시 안덕면 약 250만 평방미터에 이르는 부지에 한화 2조원의 개발비를 투자하여 건설되는 제주신화월드는 국내는 물론 해외까지, 전 연령대의 방문객들에게 프리미엄급 여가와 다양한 엔터테인먼트를 제공하는 세계적 수준의 복합 휴양 리조트가 될 것입니다.
테마파크, 워터파크, 호텔, 쇼핑가 및 빌라로 구성된 제주신화월드는
2017년 하반기에 1차 오픈 예정이며, 전체시설은 2019년에 완공예정으로 순항 중입니다.

[Jeju Shinahwa World Highlights]

•Theme park, offering more than 20 thrill and adventure rides and attractions in 7 different zones, themed after the worlds’ prominent myths and legends
•Luxurious hotels with an aggregate of more than 2,000 rooms and villas.
•Multi-purpose convention facilities, well-suited for hosting regional and international meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE)
•Jeju’s largest Retail and F&B complex
•K-Town Leisure and Entertainment Complex
•Destination Spa
•World-class Gaming Facilities
•Luxurious Resort Condominiums and Villas

Homepage: http://www.jejushinhwavillas.co.kr

Operational Finance Leader (차~부장급, 중국어 능통자)

[HR Talk]
저희 람정제주개발 Finance팀에서 Operational Finance 리딩해주실 인재를 채용합니다.
호텔/테마파크/리조트등의 Hospitality업계출신 (필수)에서 직접적인 Financial Operation, Financial Controller등 관련 경력 10년이상 및 중국어 능통자(필수) 인재를 채용하고자 합니다.


The Senior Manager/Assistant Director of Operational Finance will assist and collaborate with the Director of Finance to oversees the operational finance sections namely, F&B Cost Control, Accounts Receivable, Income Audit, Cashiering, and Store Receiving,
Provide expertise & direction to support the operational finance sections to carry out their mandated functions

Develop and maintain finance related internal controls program, processes and standard.

Participate in internal, external, and regulatory audit processes and ensure compliance with SOPs.

Complete period-end closing procedures and reports as specified. Includes the overseeing of the closing posting of various journals on daily and monthly basis

Essential Functions

Major areas of responsibility/ management include, but are not limited to:

Manages the day-to-day operational accounting responsibilities with a pro-active approach to ensure compliance with the SOPs and various laws
Supervise and coordinate all daily revenue are audited, accurate and are supported by appropriate documentation, in a timely and consistent reporting in accordance to P&P
Review and approve all reconciliations and revenue audit work papers
To review all complimentary rooms, market statistics report, Miscellaneous & Adjustment vouchers, managers checks, rate discrepancy, balancing of all interface system and the accuracy of the Managers Report. To ensure that all revenues are correctly posted into the PMS system and accurately reported in the General Ledger. To check the Trial Balance daily
Audit general cashier periodically. Document, and act upon all cash variances according to SOPs.
Supervise the F&B Cost Control section and work with F&B Management, cost reporting on a weekly basis. Guide the controller with special reporting and analysis project.
Supervise Store Receiving. Control the stores by ensuring accuracy of inventory movement and stock control and the keeping of perpetual inventory record in the material management system.
Coordinate preparation and review all journal vouchers, month-end reports and reconciliations and posting of monthly journal
Fully participate in the training & development of all team member by delivering training as required. This is especially critical near to the opening of the resort.
Lead in the staff appraisal process & ensures all sectional staff are set and are working towards achieving objectives.

Qualification, Knowledge, Training & Work Experience

Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Accounting, or related major
At least 8 years in a hospitality or integrated resort finance environment; a minimum 4 years’ experience in a Financial Controller’s role
Working knowledge of hotel financial software such as SAP, Agilyisis POS, Opera PMS, EATEC Material Management
Must be proficient user of Microsoft – Words, Excel, etc
Demonstrated ability to effectively interact with people of diverse cultural, and ethnic backgrounds
Good written and verbal communication skills in Korean and English. Ability to speak Mandarin is an advantage
Strong leadership skills with demonstrated ability to lead and motivate a team
Fluent Chinese

[상세 직무기술서 및 지원방법]
채용담당자에게 자유양식의 이력서를 메일로 제출 -> suyeon.kim@shinhwaworld.com
(국/영문 통합 하나의 파일을 선호 / 영문이력서는 필수)
(이력서 송부하면서 본인의 장점 및 지원동기 메일로 타이핑 서술 선호)

[지원 시 유의사항]
공정채용절차법에 의거하여,
1) 자격증, 학위 등 증빙자료는 추후 요청 시 제출하게 됩니다.
2) 이력서에 주민등록번호, 가족사항 등의 개인정보를 기재하지 마시기 바랍니다.

[채용 일정]
2016.12.22 ~ 채용시 마감
(서류 제출 순으로 검토되며 빠르게 채용이 마감될 수 있습니다.)

[채용 과정]
1차 서류전형 → 2차 채용팀 인터뷰 -> 3차 실무자/임원/HR 인터뷰
(상황에 따라 인터뷰 절차가 추가 및 변경될 수 있습니다.)

제주도 서귀포시 안덕면 (신화역사공원)

람정제주개발 채용팀 김수연 과장

IP: ♡.43.♡.34
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